Training to stay sane

This week was like 7 days on a roller coaster so I am really glad to be recuperating this weekend.

I followed some trusty free spirit programming all week.. Basically made up training sessions as they unfolded depending on how I felt. Monday I start my next 6 week PL cycle and I wanted to be sure to start it feeling good.

Weighted pistols are hard! I am pretty good at regular pistols, but I added a 20# dumbbell and WOAH. The WOD was 21-15-9-7-5 push press (105-lbs), weighted pistols, and Kettlebell swings (53-lbs). That WOD was preceded by hang clean work.. I hang cleaned 165 for a double, which is more than I have ever hang cleaned even for a single!

Yesterday I ran my favorite benchmark workout: Diane. That WOD is 21-15-9 reps of deadlifts (155-lbs) and handstand push-ups. My time was 5:30, which was a PR by 1:06! Tonight I worked up to a 1 rep max front squat (255-lbs, which was a 10-lb PR). Then I worked up to a 1 rep max hang snatch and got 140-lbs, followed by some every minute on the minute (EMOM) snatch work.

So training-wise this week was mellow and I used it to keep me sane. Monday begins competition mode and I am excited.


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